Note: This feature has been updated since the article has been published. An updated version of the article is available in English. Just switch the language at the top-right of the page.
Guide to ticket scans
This guide will show you all the different steps to scan tickets for your event at the entrance, via a USB scanner connected to a computer or mac. This is one of the most efficient ways to manage who has access to your event, and can really save you a lot of time, as well as provide you with useful statistics once the event is over.
1. Find your organizer code
First of all, as always, log in Billetto. Then click on My events in the upper left section of the screen. Then click on " Events Management " button .
* If you already have an organizer code, or you are scanning tickets for someone high, click here, to be re-directed to the log in for Event Management. Enter the organizer code and define your terminal / access point (as described below), then proceed directly to step 2. Event Management
* If you do not have an organizer code, then you will have to click on "Generate organizer code" before proceeding. Once you have done this, click on the "Scansione dei biglietti e vendite alla porta" again and you will see the new code generated on the left.
Click on the link: - you will be taken to the Billetto event management log-in page, where you can scan tickets for your event:
If your organizer code is not automatically entered, then enter it in the appropriate box. While if you are scanning for another person enter your organizer code. It would be good to choose a name for the terminal / access point - this will be useful later when you want to check where the accesses came from and by whom.
Press Login and you will be taken to the Events Management screen.
2. Event management
The event management screen will show all the events you have planned (or those of the organizer for which you are scanning tickets):
Intuitivamente, se desideri cominciare a scannerizzare i biglietti per uno dei tuoi eventi, clicca su "Scanner" nel pannello a destra.
3. Scannerizzare i biglietti
A questo punto, sarebbe bene che il vostro dispositivo USB per la scannerizzazione sia connesso ed operativo. A seconda del computer e della conseguente configurazione, potresti aver bisogno di scaricare ed installare i driver necessari (segui le informazioni che hai ricevuto con il tuo scanner USB).
Adesso vedrai una interfaccia che assomiglia a questa:
Assicurati che quando scannerizzi, il cursore lampeggi entro il campo dati dello Scanner. Una volta scannerizzato, il codice a barre del biglietto sarà automatico trasmetto al campo dati e tu riceverai una delle seguenti notifiche:
- Biglietto scannerizzato con successo:
- Ticket already scanned: (this includes information about when and where it was already scanned)
- Ticket not found: (this means that the ticket is not valid for this event.It may be that the ticket is for another event, maybe one you have previously arranged)
By monitoring the entrances, it becomes much easier to understand who to enter your events.
4. The ticket is not scanned
There are some reasons why a barcode is not read correctly by the USB scanner. Perhaps the quality of the print is low, or the ink is stained. If you scan a mobile device, any damage to the screen can compromise the scanning.
If the ticket in question proves to be particularly stubborn, preventing scanning, then you can always manually enter the barcode in the data section of the scanner. Once you've done that, click on "scan" and the tickets will be scanned regularly. Alternatively you can search for the ticket in question via the customer name, email address or order number:
Once you have done the research, as described above, you will see a list of tickets that will meet the criteria you have set. In order to scan these tickets, you will have to insert the check mark in the appropriate box on the right and then click on " Scan ".