Note: this feature is not available on Free Billetto price plan. Please upgrade to basic or Advanced plans to use this feature.
Follow the steps below to set up a Waiting List for sold out events.
In its current form it presents an option for potential ticket buyers to sign up to a waiting list. If more tickets become available for the event, these ticket buyers will get notified.
You can alter, disable and enable this feature in the Manage -> Marketing -> Waiting List section. There are a couple of options to choose from:
The communication mode allows you to decide if you want to manually send out mails to the individuals or to have a message sent out daily if there are available tickets.
You can also choose to select only specific ticket types that are available on the waiting list.
You have two options with communication mode: Daily and Manual.
Daily will send out an email to all people in the waiting list if there are any tickets available.
Manual will not send anything out and allow you to send out a mail when necessary.